Access Domains in a nutshell
Installation Guide
LinSec userspace tools
Known bugs

Known bugs
- There is a problem with fileutils: cp, mv etc. do not copy over extended attributes together with other file data which results in loosing capability and fs access domain settings for the file. This is going to be resolved in cooperation with nice people from the ea project.
- There is a bug related to extending struct sock that has surfaced when squid was tested. When squid eats up all the RAM to approx 4MB the system freezes. Therefore, all SAC and socket hiding code has been temporarely removed. LinSec team is actively working on solution to the problem.
- IPL user space tools need to be finished and the whole subsystem tested.
- SAC user space tools need to be finished and the whole subsystem tested.
Final year project: LinSec
LinSec was initially developed as a final year project at University College London. The original, written document submitted to the degree comitee at UCL serves as the most extensive piece of documentation for the project. However, some things have changed since the document was submitted. The decision has been made, by the LinSec team, to keep the document in its original state and publish any changes separately. Therefore, this page contains both the original document and the subsequent changes…
The original thesis work can be downloaded in PDF format, or you can browse and read it online.
After final changes:
- Capability inheritance algorithm
- Access domain model
How to contrib
rolex submariner mens 40mm 116618ln 97208 automatic black dialWe look forward to any contributions made by any of you out there, that is the whole point of Open Source – isn’t it. So, roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. Some suggestions about what should be done:
- Try and install LinSec on your computer. Once you get it working send us filesystem access domain and capability configuration that worked for your particular software/hardvare combination. We would like to get as many of those as possible and publish them on this web site!
- Go and look what the bugs and todos are and… ‘read the source Luke’ !!! Any patches should be submitted via the mailing list.
- LinSec team thanks extended attributes team for excellent work on their project which has enabled us develop LinSec much faster and concentrate on other features more thoroughly.
- LinSec team is grateful to the staff at the Computing Centre, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, who have provided test environment and who have bravely risked the lives of their servers (more than a couple of times :)) for our project.
- LinSec team also thanks University College London where our project was initially developed as a final year project.
- LinSec team is very grateful to Graham Knight of University College London and Prof Jon Crowcroft of Computer Lab, University of Cambridge for support and invaluable ideas.
- Many thanks to OSNY organisation (Open Source Network of Yugoslavia) thanks to which this site has found its home.
- Many thanks to Marko Rosic who has made this great design for linsec.org.
- Many thanks to LIDS project for ideas, experience, etc.
Mailing list
To subscribe, send mail to [email protected] with “subscribe linsec-user” in the body.